everything is about finding pattern

Mahmud Asrul
3 min readSep 28, 2024


Everything in life is about finding patterns. This realization came to me during a conversation in high school when my teacher explained something profound (I was in a highschool debate practicing and I feel bad at that time)

Ronaldo became Ronaldo not because he was the best by some universal standard, but because he found and perfected Ronaldo’s pattern for success.

If Ronaldo had attempted to follow Messi’s path,

his name might never have entered the realm of football legends.

This is the nature of life — success is not about copying another’s route.

it is about discovering and mastering the unique pattern that fits you.

This was a turning point for me, one of those subtle moments that transforms the way you view everything.

It made me see life itself as a pattern — a series of movements, decisions, and reflections that are always unfolding, waiting to be recognized and refined. It’s like how the human eye recognizes beauty in symmetry:

a balanced face, a perfect spiral, a sunset reflecting off a calm sea.
Symmetry is a visual pattern, but life has its own unseen symmetry, its own hidden design. We admire success in others because, on some level, we can see the harmony in their lives, the rhythm they’ve found with their own pattern.


I started to realize that pattern recognition is the essence of understanding life. This idea echoed Steve Jobs’ famous words about “connecting the dots” in his Stanford commencement speech. Jobs spoke about how the seemingly random decisions and experiences in our lives only make sense when we look back and connect them — forming a pattern. But here’s the deeper truth: patterns are not just something we connect in hindsight.

They are something we live by, consciously or not, every day.

If you can learn to see the pattern of your life as it’s happening, to live with that awareness, you unlock a certain kind of power.

As children, we are taught to dream. Those dreams are often vague, limitless, full of potential.

As we grow older, society asks us to define those dreams more clearly — to choose a university, to pick a career, to integrate into a system.

These stages form a pattern that society offers us, but there’s a deeper personal pattern we must each discover within this framework.

The truth is, life is not a straight line; it’s not about following one rigid path. It’s about finding the most optimized version of yourself by identifying and following your own distinct pattern.

The challenge, then, is to uncover that pattern, to recognize your own rhythm. It’s the pattern that reflects your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats — the classic SWOT analysis, but applied to the entirety of your existence.

you’ll realize that no one can beat you at being you.

Success comes not from competing with others on their terms, but by refining your own terms, your own pattern. When you know your pattern, when you commit to it with conviction, you transcend the need for external validation. The future no longer feels uncertain because you are grounded in the certainty that you are walking your own path — the one that is uniquely right for you.

To find this pattern is to tap into the deepest currents of life. It’s where authenticity, purpose, and effort align.

When you stop trying to be like anyone else, and instead perfect the pattern of your own life, you enter a state of flow, a symphony where everything begins to harmonize.

You don’t need to follow the blueprint society offers or imitate the success of others. Your power lies in recognizing and embracing your pattern, the one that only you can live.

That’s the secret: success is not about doing more; it’s about doing you — flawlessly, efficiently, and with deep awareness.

The beauty of life, like the beauty of symmetry, emerges from patterns.

It’s up to you to find yours.



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