Solving Social Disparity in Papua by Time Travelling

Mahmud Asrul
4 min readDec 9, 2022


Dr. Taufiq

Maybe some of us at least in our lifetime have explored the concept of time travel, and one thing that I can guarantee is the fact that we all will most likely end up finding out all the paradoxes of the time travel concept. But is there a way to travel the time dimensions without the delusional concept? Is that even real to see how the world looks like when The Beatles were still alive? or can you travel to the future where all the cars are already flying?

My brother is a Doctor and also an Anthropologist at the same time, My family and I were just like you when you read it for the first time. What is the correlation between being an anthropologist and a doctor? This is what our conversations look like when I started following my curiosity by asking my brother this question.

Asmat & Tolikiri, Papua, Indonesia

“Kak (the way to pronounce/call brother in Indonesia), why do you choose to become an anthropologist? when you have the option to become a doctor specialist?”

“Ud (my name is Uud), do you believe in the concept of time traveling?”

“hah? why you are asking me this?”

“Do you know the fact that humans were hunting and gathering from 7000 BC”

“Okay, and then? *confused*”

“I’ll be the one who can travel the time dimension to 7000 BC by being Doctor and also an Anthropologist

He just left me confused by his answer, and then 3 or 6 months later he’s now a Doctor in Papua, specifically in Asmat. Slowly I am connecting all the dots with all the unprecedented and artsy answers from my brother. I think I got the concept of his answer of “Time Travelling” and it’s also consistent with the fact that he came to Asmat, where some of the people still do the same thing from 7000 BC (Hunting and Gathering Food to Survive). It doesn’t mean that Asmat are left behind legitimately in 7000 BC when there was no sophisticated technology at all 100%, but the fact some parts of Asmat still did what human creature did from 7000 BC (which is Hunting and Gathering)

Based on my brother’s story, implicitly creates a hypothesis that you can travel the universe of time by changing your location, the more isolated, closed, and marginalized the location → the slower time traveling in that location. It’s not scientifically true 100%, but this is very intriguing. You can also prove it by yourself by stargazing at night because there is some probability in all the stars that beautifully sparkling in our eyes are actually a dead star. The way lights travel through our eyes and get accepted by our brain receptors doesn’t guarantee the fact of the star is still alive.

Some people also believe in this concept, even if we know it’s not scientifically true. Let’s take a look and ask some of your friends that are travelers, they unsubconsciously not only travel the world, but they also travel the time universe. When I bring this topic to my friend who is a traveler, he agreed with this concept.

  • When you go to China, Boba was a trend in 2006, and meanwhile in Indonesia Boba become a new trend in 2015.
  • When you go to Vietnam, It looks like Indonesia but in the ’80s and the fact that 2/3 of the population own motorcycle, might be one of the reasons why Gojek expand its wings to Vietnam.
  • North Korea?

There are a lot of implications for this concept, my tipping points in this medium are not about which country is better than another country. But we need to be aware of our surroundings because I don’t know how but my gut feelings tell me that the social disparity gap has a correlation with the concept of “Time Travelling”. Uniquely, we can implement the time-traveling concept in a country as one of the success parameters in their way of fighting social disparities problem.

Papua, Indonesia

You don’t have to open the paper index of a country’s progress in minimizing its social disparity gap (because it can be very complex to comprehend and understand) just feel it by your heart from one location to another location.

If you’re in Indonesia try to spend some months on the Eastern Island, and then go to Jakarta with the same months that you spent on the Eastern Island. There might be no conclusions from the experience, but I know that you’ll feel something that is more accessible, supported, and sophisticated when you live in Jakarta than on the eastern island.



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